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Thursday, November 13, 2014

Alcohol Drink Effect

Unknown - 10:54 AM
The kidneys are vital to human survival. Most people are born with two of these bean shaped organs, which are located in the middle portion of the back. Kidneys function by removing excessive water and waste from the bloodstream. This waste eventually becomes urine which is passed through tubes.into the bladder where it is eventually released from the body.

Polycystic kidney syndrome is a condition in which multiple cysts grow within the kidneys. The water-filled cysts are typically benign or noncancerous growths that can vary in size. An enlarged kidney is generally a symptom of this syndrome, as the cysts will cause the kidneys to expand. Other common symptoms may include abdominal swelling, back pain, headache, frequent urination and high blood pressure If left untreated, high blood pressure can lead to other serious health problems, such as stroke, Heartattack and kidney failure.

A kidney stone is a hard deposit of minerals and salt that form inside the kidney. Commonly, stones form as minerals in urine crystallize and attach to each other. The development of stones inside the kidneys can cause them to grow, leading to an enlarged kidney. Kidney stones can grow quite large. An individual with this condition may experience frequent and painful urination, nausea, fever and pain in the back, Abdmen or sides.
Unilateral hydronephrosis refers to one enlarged kidney that is swollen due to backed up urine. If both kidneys are swollen the condition is known as bilateral hydronephrosis. Generally, these conditions occur as a result of another problem with the kidneys which prevents urine from entering into the bladder and therefore backing up in the kidneys. An obstruction can be a possible reason for this occurrence. For this reason, in addition to kidney enlargement, an abdominal mass can sometimes be present in an individual with this condition.
Alcohol and the Brain
When we think about a drunk person, we think about someone who staggers, slurs his or her words or someone whose responsiveness is somewhat compromised.
Alcohol enters the brain and alters the messages the neurotransmitters send to the rest of the body. The faster alcohol is consumed, the higher the blood alcohol level. Within several minutes, normal neuron responses are diminished, allowing the alcohol to manipulate the receptors. Because the receptors are associated with pleasure centers in the brain, the body easily adapts to the manipulation. Yet the desire for pleasure will quickly require more alcohol to achieve the initial experience. Soon that pleasurable sensation is gone, though the body continues to seek the stimulus. The more a person drinks, the worse the impact is on the brain structure and the brain function. Scientists are still exploring the long-term effects of alcohol on brain function.
Consuming large quantities of alcohol leads to a deficiency of vitamin B1 (thiamine), which is an essential nutrient for all body tissues. Thiamine deficiency causes some alcoholics to develop Wernicke-Korsakoff, a severe, two-phased syndrome.
Wernicke’s encephalopathy, the first phase, includes “mental confusion, paralysis of the nerves that move the eyes, and difficulty with muscle coordination. Such a condition can leave a person confused about finding his or her way out of a room. Even if a person does not suffer from all the characteristics, they may have the syndrome.
About 80 percent of people who develop Wernicke’s encephalopathy will eventually develop Korsakoff syndrome. This syndrome is chronic and irreversible. It affects a person’s ability to both learn new information and to recall old information. Furthermore, people with Korsakoff syndrome experience forgetfulness and are frustrated easily.
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